Friday, February 16, 2007

Bark Back and Bite

Recently, I received an interesting letter from one Tom McMahon, the beloved executive director of the DNC. I'm convinced that this man hasn't got an honest bone in his body. His consistent leaning on the word "slander" is strong evidence to this conclusion. Slander, being the harsh word that deserves the punitive measures it brings, I would think a responsible member of a truly free society would use it very carefully and sparingly. Apparently, those members of the DNC do not foster the same sentiment. Perhaps their Idea of how society should work invites closer scrutiny? Well, Here I am. Below is a copy of the letter in question:

Dear David,
According to House Minority Leader John Boehner, I'm a "terrorist sympathizer," and you probably are too.
Just days ago on the floor of the House of Representatives, the Republican leader claimed that "al Qaeda and terrorist sympathizers around the world are trying to divide us here at home. Over the next few days, we have an opportunity to show our enemies that we will not take the bait."
This isn't the first time Republicans have linked Democrats with terrorists at the time of an important vote. In fact, it's become the norm.
In October 2004, then-Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert claimed that al Qaeda "would like to influence this election" and would be more comfortable if John Kerry were elected.
This past August, Vice President Cheney claimed that anti-war voters in Connecticut were encouraging "al Qaeda types" to "break the will of the American people in terms of our ability to stay the fight and complete the task."
And just days before our landslide victory in the November midterm elections, President Bush claimed that "the Democrat[ic] approach in Iraq comes down to this: The terrorists win and America loses."
Put a stop to the slander. Help the Democrats pass the House Iraq resolution, and help wavering Republicans stand up to this rhetoric:
The "bait" that Boehner refers to is the House Democrats' war resolution that Governor Dean emailed you about on Tuesday -- a vote of no-confidence in the president's plan to escalate the war in Iraq.
You see, with 70% of the public opposing escalation and potentially 60 Republicans crossing party lines, the Republican leadership is resorting to desperate measures to try to fool the American people and stop this damning vote.
Support the Iraq resolution -- and tell Boehner that we aren't buying his publicity stunts:
The Republicans know the mess they're in. In a desperate letter to their Republican colleagues, Congress members John Shadegg and Peter Hoekstra wrote:
"The debate should not be about the surge or its details. This debate should not even be about the Iraq war to date, mistakes that have been made, or whether we can, or cannot, win militarily. If we let Democrats force us into a debate on the surge or the current situation in Iraq, we lose."
Why are Republicans scared of a debate on America's top issue? And why can't they stand up to the Democrats on the current situation in Iraq?
Because it wasn't the Democratic Party that led us into a war on false pretenses. Democrats didn't alienate our global allies by ignoring diplomatic efforts to find a peaceful resolution. Democrats didn't reject the advice of our military leaders, who recommended we change the course. And Democrats didn't decide to put more of our troops in harm/s way to interfere in a bloody civil war with no end in sight.
The Democrats didn't start this war, but we're working to end it -- and the House resolution is an important first step to changing the course and bringing our brave men and women home.
Support the Iraq resolution today:
Don't let John Boehner imply that we are terrorist sympathizers. Don't let the Republican leadership continue these publicity stunts.
While they try, we'll be busy fighting back and governing.
Tom McMahon

My response was one of strong irritation. Although I didn't address all the points of this rhetorical trash, I think I captured the passion it wrought from me with it's slanted fabrications thus:

Well, since you seem to be on the side of dividing this great nation, as had most democrats in history, then I feel compelled to logically agree with the minority leader.
My suggestion to the democrat party is:
read Sun Tzu, try to understand the import to war and why it is VITAL that we pull together and execute this one as if we intend to complete the task that you dems had a part in starting. Oh yes, I'm not the fool you thought you were writing to.
Truth is not slander
Your foolish "resolution" has no resolve in that it does not make any recommendation. It only whines. The republicans aren't afraid to debate, you morons are. You have no moral grounds on which to accuse anyone of using false pretenses, either. Of course You dems didn't alienate your global allies (that would be Bin Laden?), but neither did the Spanish.
Tom McMahon, I feel confident that you wouldn't have a clue how to govern, how to end this war "peacefully" or that you are advocating the rejection of advice from military leaders.
Your rhetoric infuriates me, these killers will only listen to you long enough to be sure that we are weak. Then they will do their worst. Yes, we know you demanded a change of course.
Let's not forget your "change of course" was to bring the troops home ASAP.
So, when the "slander" fits; wear it, I can see you as a terrorist sympathizer, but sir, be absolutely doubtless..that I am not.
David V.

At this point I invite all people of good conscience to pay close attention to the erosion of civil liberties the dems continue to cause. Speak out LOUD AND CLEAR!! Do not let the insanity from the left go unhindered to overrun our god given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Complacency has time and again proven to be a useful tool to tyrants.

republicans cave! jellyfish rule house

Steny Hoyer, D-Md. "today the congress of the united states said to the president: 'we need a new direction in iraq,'" HAH!! Of course right off the bat we have a lie. As far as I've always known, the term 'congress' refers to BOTH the house of reps AND the senate.
In addition to that, the loud voice is really saying "we are taking over the government!" and "we oppose all things republican"
I'm really steamed at the flacid spine the republican party is displaying here.
What really has me going is the smug, arrogant sureness that this resolution is going to really shake things up. They keep calling it a "bipartisan resolution" how can they say they support the troops and that they don't want to send reenforcements at the same time? I may as well make my new years resolution..I resolve to be dissatified with the political coup the dems are staging with such rapid progression, but keep voting them in because they keep calling me a smart voter for it! Well, I believe it will be vividly evident soon that the dems have their balance thrown forward and their foot over a steaming pile. at which time I will choke back a laugh.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


"Democratic"? who are you talking to? Democratic is an adjective not a noun!! President Bush had it right. Besides, the fact that the implication of the democrat party as anything other than being run by facists and socialists is ludacrous. Please recind this foolishness and stop dividing this great country, the only country that is trying to restore order in the world. Chastising the president for bringing law to a lawless people is woefully unacceptable.
The democrat party should be supporting his efforts as well as thinking of better representation of their own ideals. Nancy Pelosi, in my humble opinion was a grave error as a choice for speaker.

I will have plenty more to say on this and will be sure to diseminate this to everyone I see.

Monday, February 5, 2007

republicans block vote!

A "non binding resolution"??? what the heck does that mean? we already know they want bush out. no new news here!! c'mon dems, wake from your alcohol induced slumber. take the ic off your title and admit to yourselves that you aren't going to be happy until we are in a totally socialist state with you as leaders. you keep telling your lies with the confidence that comes with thinking that repitition will make them true.
shame the devil and admit that you didn't know about sadams 'wmd's any more than bush did. This is why you voted for the war in such large numbers and now that we are in this war you are afraid to do what is needed to conclude it successfully.
let me help you out here.
first: recognise where the problem is coming from, largely iran
second: decide what needs to be done about it using the military advisors that are actually involved in the war not some retirees on cnn. (or the polls you folks love so much).
third and most important..let the actual soldiers conduct the war without political meddling!!!

Of course I know this would mean that you'd have to think of someone else besides your own interests for far too long for my lowly words to be heeded, but i hope you do remember one thing..this american is speaking now and he didn't vote for any dem. It's your move.

Sunday, February 4, 2007