You know, I find it a sad commentary on the democrat strategy, although it does seem to be very successful, that in order to progress their agenda they simply ignore any and all arguments against their ideas and act as if they've won the debate without opposition. As an example, the old "republican culture of corruption" slam that pelosi made public. Did anyone really feel that only republicans are capable of corruption? not likely, but here again the notion is peddled as if it were just so! My sense to this kind of politics is: If you can't even appear as if trying to be honest, what do you have to offer for my vote? I suggest the answer to that is nothing. So once again I respond, just for fun, to Tom McMahon and his culture of deception as he has felt the need to attempt the twisting of reality again:
Dear dav,
Remember the Republican culture of corruption? The revolving door of Republican politicians moving in and out of top political offices and Washington D.C. lobbying firms?
That's Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson.
For years, acting wasn't the Law & Order star's profession -- it was a hobby. In the real world, Thompson has made a fortune in a decades-long career as a Washington lobbyist.
And just this month, as part of his role as the ultimate Washington insider, Thompson offered to host yet another fundraising event for Scooter Libby's legal defense fund. Thompson has been vocal in his support of Libby, saying that he would "absolutely" pardon him.
As he runs for president, he'll try his hardest to hide the truth from the American people. And we need to stop him.
Support our efforts to get the truth out about Fred Thompson
Here's what the USA Today had to say about Lobbyist Thompson:
Although the folksy-sounding Tennessean recently told USA TODAY that he would run an outsider, just as he did while campaigning as a "country lawyer" in a red pickup during his 1994 U.S. Senate race, his résumé is that of a longtime Washington operative who has crossed ideological lines to represent corporate and foreign clients.
In his most recent stint in Washington, Thompson worked for a London company lobbying Congress to limit liability claims for asbestos-related illnesses. Over the past three years he's made $760,000 fighting for the interests of his corporate clients.
Now Fred Thompson wants the American people to believe he's the next Ronald Reagan -- a Washington outsider with Hollywood charisma and conservative appeal. But Thompson just plays the role of straight-shooting outsider on TV. In reality, he's as inside as you can get.
He's trying to get to the White House on slick lines and good acting. Help us stop him
As Fred Thompson tries to go from Washington's K Street to Pennsylvania Avenue, the stakes of his candidacy couldn't be higher. In an interview just last week, for example, he claimed that the Roe v. Wade decision "was fabricated out of whole cloth," and that it was the worst court ruling in the past 40 years.
We need to make sure that in 2008, Fred Thompson goes back to doing his acting on Law & Order -- not in the White House.
While the Democratic presidential candidates hit the campaign trail, we'll be hitting the Republicans. It's our job to tell the American people the facts about opponents like Fred Thompson and to hold them accountable.
We can't finish that job without you. I hope you'll join us.
Tom McMahon
DNC Executive Director
Now, just to put this in proper context, I felt more than a wee bit vindictive when I wrote this. I ask your forgiveness for my weakness and offer this as it was sent to the DNC.
tom mcnugget and the rest of you socialist soros followers,
Fantastic advertising campaign! Well, except for the obvious and sad continuation of the pelosi lies about the so called “culture of corruption” (need I name names? Ie: William Jefferson) but I digress. All the talking points you’ve raised were just the ticket. Fred Thomson is an actor like President Reagan. This was handy for the purpose of public speaking in which President Reagan excelled and mr. Thompson seems to as well. President bush could have used it. As to Scooter Libby’s defense fund? Thanks for raising that issue, do you know where I should send my check? Of course you do. As far as pardoning Mr. he’s not guilty of any crime, so that’s a tough one for me, I guess I'd say charges should be brought for those who committed those false accusations with no regard for their effects on national security. The real question will be: does Libby forgive you for what you’ve done to him and his family for the sake of furthering the destruction of this nation? Oh yes, I’m keeping track. I think those who participated should be indicted on charges of traitor ism. The evidence is recorded
In reference to the quoted USA Today article, stating Freds ‘crossing of ideological lines’ that could be troubling if other presidents like Clinton, both bushes and Reagan hadn't done the same. In fact most presidents have made attempts to meet needs across party lines, with some notable exceptions like Carter. Wasn’t that a great thing he did for our national security? You know, the dismantling of our military, all the appeasement talks with Iran, etc. great job, lefty.
Fred using slick lines and good acting? Well that puts him one up on john Edwards, since Edwards needs acting lessons. Fred’s two up on Edwards if you count the fact that freds hair is his own.
I really like his position on roe v. wade. It was if fact the single most noted amongst a long line of absolutely terrible rulings.
Let’s not forget the invasion reform bill. This is typical democrat policy. Rather than deal with a difficult problem by using those gray cells god gave you, you’d sooner forget about it and just declare that the laws which were broken by 20% of an alien population are hereby not laws any more and just forgive them of it. If you had half a brain you’d realize the true ramifications of this folly. The voting base you morons desire is going to bite you like a rattlesnake, even for all the pandering you do. The problem is I’m going to get bitten too. When I do, I will most certainly hold you accountable.
Yes, Fred Thompson is my man. Knowing your view has helped solidify my position, so I offer a hearty THANK YOU! It’s good to know that there is someone like Fred Thompson out there.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
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