Sunday, April 22, 2007

Proper Process, Presidents Decision, Get it Right!

In response to an article I read which was written by Susan Estrich:

The worst thing about the Gonzales witch hunt, is that it is indirectly George Soros who is grilling the man for a crime that was not committed. Remember the president's got the power to fire them?
So then, having done so a scandal is created? Ludicrous is the word that comes to mind.
Was he really "happy to admit" something? Funny I didn't get that from any of this.
"A totally flawed and misguided process"? By who's assesment? It was up to the president, he gave the word, no need for explanations. Of course he'd do it was his job.
I love this, "unlike the other appointees, serving the president was not his only job." what? they had no other jobs? What were they appointed for? They weren't there simply to be whipping boys for the president. They apparently did not accomplish what the president needed done. I'd fire them too. You said "loyalty means staying with your team, even if your leader is wrong" I most heartily and totally disagree and feel strongly that this is a lie on your part. But staying even when your leader is percieved to be wrong is certainly noble. However you, no doubt unwittingly,do make a strong point regarding personal responsiblity. It is incumbant upon each of us to make ourselves aware of the facts and to act according to our own conscience. Could it be that which the left is accusing Gonzales? yeah, probably. Oh, the essence of politics is to create and enforce policy for the good of the nation, did you forget that too? C'mon Sue, just admit it to yourself, you are buying into the liberal mindset that all things conservative must go! Be honest, you know conservatives don't really think that way. You must understand that Gonzales is middle managment and as such should the boss say "fire that new guy" it gets done without further cause. Perfectly legitimate. So having once again exposed that which is blatantly obvious, it's strongly evident that this "seeking and deliberate harrassment" is simply designed to usurp executive powers for the legislative left to wield. Don't forget the danger of enabling this kind of political treachery. This is the same process used by totalitarians across the globe from time immemorial.
The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
All this while George Soros sits behind stage, denying complicity. He controls the value of the dollar, the british pound, the euro, the ruble. His express extremist liberal views are coming to fruition.
He's not american born and his are malicious intents. What would that make him?
Listen to him, watch him, record his denials. Yet the world economy hangs on his spoken words.
You want a happy fluffy world? He will sell you get what you pay for.

But remember, All Sales are Final.

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