Monday, April 30, 2007

Yah, You're No Ann Coulter

Dear Ann C. I read an article titled "Godless Meets Soulless in the Coulter Culture" by that fool Susan Estrich (or should that be Ostrich?) yeah cheap shot, I know. I feel she had it coming though. I also was compelled to let her understand the folly of her remarks. I did so thus:


I don't see how you can say that one of America's most open and outspoken women is hiding behind a facade.
Ann may not be a beauty queen, but not for her looks as her smarts. If she just sat quietly, she could be a beauty queen.
Oh well, that's our Ann, beautiful AND smart! Perhaps it bugs you that she knows it? yeah, probably.
No one needs to defend what Ann says, but if you attack in slander fashion...
Does it frost you that only one conservative speaks out in the manner that most of the libs--ah, socialists do on a regular basis? I hope you gag on those words.
Harry Reid and the rest of the SS minnow have proven that dems are indeed gutless America haters, without the nuggets required to follow through on their boldly stated convictions. I call it cowardice.
She is right on almost all of the points you've raised, I mean, have you ever attended an Episcopal Mass? I have, I think Ann is onto something. It HAS been referred to as catholic lite.
Harsh? maybe. 1st amendment protected though. What care you, anyway? Trying to appear in defense of the church? Did you know it's not Islamic?
As to liberalism being the party of the opposition of God, well Cinderella, The shoe does fit. After all, this is what communism is! That spade is indeed a spade! Let's not forget ANY of the overt attacks on Christianity which came over the left wing walls, I won't!!
If you want to keep Ann Quiet, I suggest you go back to George Soros and pray to him for guidance as to what to do next. Don't think that goes unnoticed.
Have a nice day. sincerely, Vocal Patriot

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