WWII 1942-1945-----------------Iraq War 2003-2007
407,316 lost to war--------------3,578 lost to war
2,165 lost to abortion-----------1,747,880 lost to abortion
more lost to combat-------------more lost to abortions
per week than--------------------than all major wars
total abortions-------------------ever fought.
during the whole war-----------By the U.S.
Priority, I think, is a missing element in the thought process of many who support abortion using “pro-choice” as their argument.
None consider the choice of the baby on death row. Arguments of when the life of a “fetus” begins ring hollow when one admits that viable life begins at conception. In 1973 the laws were changed allowing choice based on a perceived need for health and safety of the potential mother. Strangely enough, the most common reason offered by those same women are social in nature. Many of those women become repeat clients, so what of safety and good health? of course it is simply a way to give the masses the wonderful opiate of uninhibited sex, but who'd say that out loud?
Just the use of the Latin word “fetus” is an attempt to distance any emotional ties from the act. The word translates affectionately to “little one”, so much for distance.
So back to my to my question, What’s Happening?
Why did the so called “liberal left” push this deadly agenda? Why do the practitioners of this sanctioned infanticide kickback to the politicians for their support?
As any hedonist can attest, it certainly makes a neat form of birth control.
To many, killing a person is apparently less distasteful than abstinence.
Do the millions of abortion clients and practitioners represent the moral majority of this country? I hope not. Apparently they do, however represent a large part of the democrat voting base which does not, in my opinion absolve the legislative body from doing what’s right.
Hmm..there’s a thought.
Perhaps one could make the case that it would be so much cheaper not to engage in war at all, save on ammunition, armor, fuel, etc. I mean, just imagine how peaceful this world would be if we'd Just get them before they were born rather than waiting until they could fight back. Well maybe not, even Marx realized that you can't move too fast when advocating socialist dogma for fear of pushing the people to revolt. You have to sneak any changes into the collective conciousness in the manner described in George Orwells "Animal Farm".
So, can righteousness in a minority prevail? I think that’s a good question to put to Senator John Kerry. He's had 35 years to think about it, But I'm afraid I already know his answer. Ah well, Gods will is going to prevail afterall.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Fred for Prez!
You know, I find it a sad commentary on the democrat strategy, although it does seem to be very successful, that in order to progress their agenda they simply ignore any and all arguments against their ideas and act as if they've won the debate without opposition. As an example, the old "republican culture of corruption" slam that pelosi made public. Did anyone really feel that only republicans are capable of corruption? not likely, but here again the notion is peddled as if it were just so! My sense to this kind of politics is: If you can't even appear as if trying to be honest, what do you have to offer for my vote? I suggest the answer to that is nothing. So once again I respond, just for fun, to Tom McMahon and his culture of deception as he has felt the need to attempt the twisting of reality again:
Dear dav,
Remember the Republican culture of corruption? The revolving door of Republican politicians moving in and out of top political offices and Washington D.C. lobbying firms?
That's Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson.
For years, acting wasn't the Law & Order star's profession -- it was a hobby. In the real world, Thompson has made a fortune in a decades-long career as a Washington lobbyist.
And just this month, as part of his role as the ultimate Washington insider, Thompson offered to host yet another fundraising event for Scooter Libby's legal defense fund. Thompson has been vocal in his support of Libby, saying that he would "absolutely" pardon him.
As he runs for president, he'll try his hardest to hide the truth from the American people. And we need to stop him.
Support our efforts to get the truth out about Fred Thompson
Here's what the USA Today had to say about Lobbyist Thompson:
Although the folksy-sounding Tennessean recently told USA TODAY that he would run an outsider, just as he did while campaigning as a "country lawyer" in a red pickup during his 1994 U.S. Senate race, his résumé is that of a longtime Washington operative who has crossed ideological lines to represent corporate and foreign clients.
In his most recent stint in Washington, Thompson worked for a London company lobbying Congress to limit liability claims for asbestos-related illnesses. Over the past three years he's made $760,000 fighting for the interests of his corporate clients.
Now Fred Thompson wants the American people to believe he's the next Ronald Reagan -- a Washington outsider with Hollywood charisma and conservative appeal. But Thompson just plays the role of straight-shooting outsider on TV. In reality, he's as inside as you can get.
He's trying to get to the White House on slick lines and good acting. Help us stop him
As Fred Thompson tries to go from Washington's K Street to Pennsylvania Avenue, the stakes of his candidacy couldn't be higher. In an interview just last week, for example, he claimed that the Roe v. Wade decision "was fabricated out of whole cloth," and that it was the worst court ruling in the past 40 years.
We need to make sure that in 2008, Fred Thompson goes back to doing his acting on Law & Order -- not in the White House.
While the Democratic presidential candidates hit the campaign trail, we'll be hitting the Republicans. It's our job to tell the American people the facts about opponents like Fred Thompson and to hold them accountable.
We can't finish that job without you. I hope you'll join us.
Tom McMahon
DNC Executive Director
Now, just to put this in proper context, I felt more than a wee bit vindictive when I wrote this. I ask your forgiveness for my weakness and offer this as it was sent to the DNC.
tom mcnugget and the rest of you socialist soros followers,
Fantastic advertising campaign! Well, except for the obvious and sad continuation of the pelosi lies about the so called “culture of corruption” (need I name names? Ie: William Jefferson) but I digress. All the talking points you’ve raised were just the ticket. Fred Thomson is an actor like President Reagan. This was handy for the purpose of public speaking in which President Reagan excelled and mr. Thompson seems to as well. President bush could have used it. As to Scooter Libby’s defense fund? Thanks for raising that issue, do you know where I should send my check? Of course you do. As far as pardoning Mr. Libby..hm..well he’s not guilty of any crime, so that’s a tough one for me, I guess I'd say charges should be brought for those who committed those false accusations with no regard for their effects on national security. The real question will be: does Libby forgive you for what you’ve done to him and his family for the sake of furthering the destruction of this nation? Oh yes, I’m keeping track. I think those who participated should be indicted on charges of traitor ism. The evidence is recorded
In reference to the quoted USA Today article, stating Freds ‘crossing of ideological lines’ that could be troubling if other presidents like Clinton, both bushes and Reagan hadn't done the same. In fact most presidents have made attempts to meet needs across party lines, with some notable exceptions like Carter. Wasn’t that a great thing he did for our national security? You know, the dismantling of our military, all the appeasement talks with Iran, etc. great job, lefty.
Fred using slick lines and good acting? Well that puts him one up on john Edwards, since Edwards needs acting lessons. Fred’s two up on Edwards if you count the fact that freds hair is his own.
I really like his position on roe v. wade. It was if fact the single most noted amongst a long line of absolutely terrible rulings.
Let’s not forget the invasion reform bill. This is typical democrat policy. Rather than deal with a difficult problem by using those gray cells god gave you, you’d sooner forget about it and just declare that the laws which were broken by 20% of an alien population are hereby not laws any more and just forgive them of it. If you had half a brain you’d realize the true ramifications of this folly. The voting base you morons desire is going to bite you like a rattlesnake, even for all the pandering you do. The problem is I’m going to get bitten too. When I do, I will most certainly hold you accountable.
Yes, Fred Thompson is my man. Knowing your view has helped solidify my position, so I offer a hearty THANK YOU! It’s good to know that there is someone like Fred Thompson out there.
Dear dav,
Remember the Republican culture of corruption? The revolving door of Republican politicians moving in and out of top political offices and Washington D.C. lobbying firms?
That's Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson.
For years, acting wasn't the Law & Order star's profession -- it was a hobby. In the real world, Thompson has made a fortune in a decades-long career as a Washington lobbyist.
And just this month, as part of his role as the ultimate Washington insider, Thompson offered to host yet another fundraising event for Scooter Libby's legal defense fund. Thompson has been vocal in his support of Libby, saying that he would "absolutely" pardon him.
As he runs for president, he'll try his hardest to hide the truth from the American people. And we need to stop him.
Support our efforts to get the truth out about Fred Thompson
Here's what the USA Today had to say about Lobbyist Thompson:
Although the folksy-sounding Tennessean recently told USA TODAY that he would run an outsider, just as he did while campaigning as a "country lawyer" in a red pickup during his 1994 U.S. Senate race, his résumé is that of a longtime Washington operative who has crossed ideological lines to represent corporate and foreign clients.
In his most recent stint in Washington, Thompson worked for a London company lobbying Congress to limit liability claims for asbestos-related illnesses. Over the past three years he's made $760,000 fighting for the interests of his corporate clients.
Now Fred Thompson wants the American people to believe he's the next Ronald Reagan -- a Washington outsider with Hollywood charisma and conservative appeal. But Thompson just plays the role of straight-shooting outsider on TV. In reality, he's as inside as you can get.
He's trying to get to the White House on slick lines and good acting. Help us stop him
As Fred Thompson tries to go from Washington's K Street to Pennsylvania Avenue, the stakes of his candidacy couldn't be higher. In an interview just last week, for example, he claimed that the Roe v. Wade decision "was fabricated out of whole cloth," and that it was the worst court ruling in the past 40 years.
We need to make sure that in 2008, Fred Thompson goes back to doing his acting on Law & Order -- not in the White House.
While the Democratic presidential candidates hit the campaign trail, we'll be hitting the Republicans. It's our job to tell the American people the facts about opponents like Fred Thompson and to hold them accountable.
We can't finish that job without you. I hope you'll join us.
Tom McMahon
DNC Executive Director
Now, just to put this in proper context, I felt more than a wee bit vindictive when I wrote this. I ask your forgiveness for my weakness and offer this as it was sent to the DNC.
tom mcnugget and the rest of you socialist soros followers,
Fantastic advertising campaign! Well, except for the obvious and sad continuation of the pelosi lies about the so called “culture of corruption” (need I name names? Ie: William Jefferson) but I digress. All the talking points you’ve raised were just the ticket. Fred Thomson is an actor like President Reagan. This was handy for the purpose of public speaking in which President Reagan excelled and mr. Thompson seems to as well. President bush could have used it. As to Scooter Libby’s defense fund? Thanks for raising that issue, do you know where I should send my check? Of course you do. As far as pardoning Mr. Libby..hm..well he’s not guilty of any crime, so that’s a tough one for me, I guess I'd say charges should be brought for those who committed those false accusations with no regard for their effects on national security. The real question will be: does Libby forgive you for what you’ve done to him and his family for the sake of furthering the destruction of this nation? Oh yes, I’m keeping track. I think those who participated should be indicted on charges of traitor ism. The evidence is recorded
In reference to the quoted USA Today article, stating Freds ‘crossing of ideological lines’ that could be troubling if other presidents like Clinton, both bushes and Reagan hadn't done the same. In fact most presidents have made attempts to meet needs across party lines, with some notable exceptions like Carter. Wasn’t that a great thing he did for our national security? You know, the dismantling of our military, all the appeasement talks with Iran, etc. great job, lefty.
Fred using slick lines and good acting? Well that puts him one up on john Edwards, since Edwards needs acting lessons. Fred’s two up on Edwards if you count the fact that freds hair is his own.
I really like his position on roe v. wade. It was if fact the single most noted amongst a long line of absolutely terrible rulings.
Let’s not forget the invasion reform bill. This is typical democrat policy. Rather than deal with a difficult problem by using those gray cells god gave you, you’d sooner forget about it and just declare that the laws which were broken by 20% of an alien population are hereby not laws any more and just forgive them of it. If you had half a brain you’d realize the true ramifications of this folly. The voting base you morons desire is going to bite you like a rattlesnake, even for all the pandering you do. The problem is I’m going to get bitten too. When I do, I will most certainly hold you accountable.
Yes, Fred Thompson is my man. Knowing your view has helped solidify my position, so I offer a hearty THANK YOU! It’s good to know that there is someone like Fred Thompson out there.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
I've let my friend down
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Rep. W. Jefferson's Thoughtlessness
Democrat Representative from Louisiana. Not only the spokesman of his district, but the face of his family, his loved ones. Innocent until proven guilty. As a man so voluntarily imbued with the responsiblity of his position in congress, one might think he'd have an idea about when it's appropriate to speak and when not to. Then again, if he were guilty of even part of the charges in the indictment, he might fool one.
He declared his absolute innocence of the charges at the same time admitting keeping the bribe money he was caught with. The 94 page indictment containing the 16 charges included racketeering, soliciting bribes, wire fraud, money laundering and obstruction of justice says a lot about that.
Wait a minute...obstruction of justice? That sounds familiar. Wasn't that one of the charges scooter libby recieved 2 years in prison for? The justice Mr. Libby was alleged to be obstructing was regarding the reference to an agent made legally by Richard Armitage. So, in review, we have no crime committed, the prosecutor being aware of this fact including who actually "outed Ms. Plame" decides to press ahead with a probe to cause Scooter Libby to be found guilty of perjury.
What I don't understand is why the double standard demonstrated here is so tolerated by the conservatives. Scooter Libby says "I'm not sure" and that's perjury; Jefferson say's "I'm innocent of taking the bribe money I took" so he thinks he's good to go? And where is his family in his thinking? Oh, his wife was standing with him, good for her, I guess. Maybe I'm being vindictive but it seems to me to be a bit of a fascade, a cheap usage of the notion of family values.
I hope there is a bible in his cell.
He declared his absolute innocence of the charges at the same time admitting keeping the bribe money he was caught with. The 94 page indictment containing the 16 charges included racketeering, soliciting bribes, wire fraud, money laundering and obstruction of justice says a lot about that.
Wait a minute...obstruction of justice? That sounds familiar. Wasn't that one of the charges scooter libby recieved 2 years in prison for? The justice Mr. Libby was alleged to be obstructing was regarding the reference to an agent made legally by Richard Armitage. So, in review, we have no crime committed, the prosecutor being aware of this fact including who actually "outed Ms. Plame" decides to press ahead with a probe to cause Scooter Libby to be found guilty of perjury.
What I don't understand is why the double standard demonstrated here is so tolerated by the conservatives. Scooter Libby says "I'm not sure" and that's perjury; Jefferson say's "I'm innocent of taking the bribe money I took" so he thinks he's good to go? And where is his family in his thinking? Oh, his wife was standing with him, good for her, I guess. Maybe I'm being vindictive but it seems to me to be a bit of a fascade, a cheap usage of the notion of family values.
I hope there is a bible in his cell.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
The Members of The DNC Must Have An I.Q. of 70 Or Less
Another day, another message from the D.N.C. asking me to compose a letter to the
President. This time they expect me to rake the President over the coals for his policies regarding the war in Iraq. Needless to say, I disagree with the DNC position of failure and retreat. I did however comply with their request to use the provided form to send a message to the President. Although it was not likely to be the type of language which our infamous "George Soros lackey" Mr. McMahon would aprove. This is what I chose to say to the President:
Dear Mr. President, This automaton named Tom McMahon wants me to bad mouth your administration just because George Soros says so. Instead I'll speak my own heart, thank you very much! The drivle that oozes into my email is absolutely amazing. The DNC sends me the junk that states that 60% of the national guard equipment from greensburg, kansas, having gone to Iraq, is the reason a town whose population that was less than 1800 at the time of the disaster cannot recover. Can we legislate some logic somehow? I mean, the dumb@$$ that thought this up should be made to taste bat urine for a living. Listen, my only beefs with you would be
A.) that you are pandering to the mexicans at our expense, and
B.) that the republican party is not being more vociferous and aggressively attacking the morons on the left! Other than that I wholeheartedly support your efforts and have implicit trust in your intent to better this great nation and the world as a whole. My prayers are with you and your family everyday.
Thank you, David Vigliotti
President. This time they expect me to rake the President over the coals for his policies regarding the war in Iraq. Needless to say, I disagree with the DNC position of failure and retreat. I did however comply with their request to use the provided form to send a message to the President. Although it was not likely to be the type of language which our infamous "George Soros lackey" Mr. McMahon would aprove. This is what I chose to say to the President:
Dear Mr. President, This automaton named Tom McMahon wants me to bad mouth your administration just because George Soros says so. Instead I'll speak my own heart, thank you very much! The drivle that oozes into my email is absolutely amazing. The DNC sends me the junk that states that 60% of the national guard equipment from greensburg, kansas, having gone to Iraq, is the reason a town whose population that was less than 1800 at the time of the disaster cannot recover. Can we legislate some logic somehow? I mean, the dumb@$$ that thought this up should be made to taste bat urine for a living. Listen, my only beefs with you would be
A.) that you are pandering to the mexicans at our expense, and
B.) that the republican party is not being more vociferous and aggressively attacking the morons on the left! Other than that I wholeheartedly support your efforts and have implicit trust in your intent to better this great nation and the world as a whole. My prayers are with you and your family everyday.
Thank you, David Vigliotti
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Letter To U.S. Attorney General In Time of Stress
Dear Sir, I am certainly no legal eagle. However, It seems to me that congress is acting beyond it's constitutional capacity in a great many matters. One issue is the treatment of you. How such a blatant and overt attack on this administration without just cause can continue is beyond me. The obvious divisiveness could be called sedition, as they are trying to legislate the executive powers away from the president, this in a time of war. If my advice had any worth, I'd say that you should stand fast in your position and don't cow down to these cartoon figures. Please sir, If you can perhaps anticipate the lines of questioning and accusations likely to be leveled against you and others in your office, then you can speak up to these people and shut them down. If I were in your shoes and perhaps (God forbid) facing the loss of my job at the hands of these ignorant followers of the Soros communism machine, I would use the air time to expose each of the dems weaknesses by making counter accusations.
Please make every effort to stay in your position and support the president. I have faith in your ability as do all of my friends and neighbors with whom I've discussed this atrocity of congress. Stand Fast, I say and hold at bay the liberal capitulation mindset. This is your task. I will respectfully hold you to it.
Please make every effort to stay in your position and support the president. I have faith in your ability as do all of my friends and neighbors with whom I've discussed this atrocity of congress. Stand Fast, I say and hold at bay the liberal capitulation mindset. This is your task. I will respectfully hold you to it.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Yah, You're No Ann Coulter
Dear Ann C. I read an article titled "Godless Meets Soulless in the Coulter Culture" by that fool Susan Estrich (or should that be Ostrich?) yeah cheap shot, I know. I feel she had it coming though. I also was compelled to let her understand the folly of her remarks. I did so thus:
I don't see how you can say that one of America's most open and outspoken women is hiding behind a facade.
Ann may not be a beauty queen, but not for her looks as her smarts. If she just sat quietly, she could be a beauty queen.
Oh well, that's our Ann, beautiful AND smart! Perhaps it bugs you that she knows it? yeah, probably.
No one needs to defend what Ann says, but if you attack in slander fashion...
Does it frost you that only one conservative speaks out in the manner that most of the libs--ah, socialists do on a regular basis? I hope you gag on those words.
Harry Reid and the rest of the SS minnow have proven that dems are indeed gutless America haters, without the nuggets required to follow through on their boldly stated convictions. I call it cowardice.
She is right on almost all of the points you've raised, I mean, have you ever attended an Episcopal Mass? I have, I think Ann is onto something. It HAS been referred to as catholic lite.
Harsh? maybe. 1st amendment protected though. What care you, anyway? Trying to appear in defense of the church? Did you know it's not Islamic?
As to liberalism being the party of the opposition of God, well Cinderella, The shoe does fit. After all, this is what communism is! That spade is indeed a spade! Let's not forget ANY of the overt attacks on Christianity which came over the left wing walls, I won't!!
If you want to keep Ann Quiet, I suggest you go back to George Soros and pray to him for guidance as to what to do next. Don't think that goes unnoticed.
Have a nice day. sincerely, Vocal Patriot
I don't see how you can say that one of America's most open and outspoken women is hiding behind a facade.
Ann may not be a beauty queen, but not for her looks as her smarts. If she just sat quietly, she could be a beauty queen.
Oh well, that's our Ann, beautiful AND smart! Perhaps it bugs you that she knows it? yeah, probably.
No one needs to defend what Ann says, but if you attack in slander fashion...
Does it frost you that only one conservative speaks out in the manner that most of the libs--ah, socialists do on a regular basis? I hope you gag on those words.
Harry Reid and the rest of the SS minnow have proven that dems are indeed gutless America haters, without the nuggets required to follow through on their boldly stated convictions. I call it cowardice.
She is right on almost all of the points you've raised, I mean, have you ever attended an Episcopal Mass? I have, I think Ann is onto something. It HAS been referred to as catholic lite.
Harsh? maybe. 1st amendment protected though. What care you, anyway? Trying to appear in defense of the church? Did you know it's not Islamic?
As to liberalism being the party of the opposition of God, well Cinderella, The shoe does fit. After all, this is what communism is! That spade is indeed a spade! Let's not forget ANY of the overt attacks on Christianity which came over the left wing walls, I won't!!
If you want to keep Ann Quiet, I suggest you go back to George Soros and pray to him for guidance as to what to do next. Don't think that goes unnoticed.
Have a nice day. sincerely, Vocal Patriot
Friday, April 27, 2007
Letter to the President
I thought of this when I was looking up voting records of congressmen.
april 27, 2007
Dear Mr. President, I was visiting the congress.org website feeling a
little ill at what I saw. A letter from a person in Hesperia, Ca. in
particular drew my Ire! he began it stating his assumption of your
arrogance then proceeded to make claims about how you view yourself as
if he could know. Perhaps only to demonstrate the definition of arrogance?
anyway, I had to counter that with my word of confidence in your
accomplishments to date. I appreciate, if only from my position, the
difficulty you face daily. I ask of you to hold fast to your
convictions and, as unpopular as they may seem, make your decisions based on your
conscience and your faith as you appear to have done since I've been
aware. I will support you openly, you and your family are in my prayers
daily. If you could find a way, I would be elated if you could seize
George Soros' assets and either detain him in guantanamo or deport him back
to hungary, Just an Idea. If not, ok, but we'll have to keep a sharp eye
on that one.
Oh, and if you've ever got a moment, look at my blog.
http://vocalpatriot.blogspot.com/ thank you.
april 27, 2007
Dear Mr. President, I was visiting the congress.org website feeling a
little ill at what I saw. A letter from a person in Hesperia, Ca. in
particular drew my Ire! he began it stating his assumption of your
arrogance then proceeded to make claims about how you view yourself as
if he could know. Perhaps only to demonstrate the definition of arrogance?
anyway, I had to counter that with my word of confidence in your
accomplishments to date. I appreciate, if only from my position, the
difficulty you face daily. I ask of you to hold fast to your
convictions and, as unpopular as they may seem, make your decisions based on your
conscience and your faith as you appear to have done since I've been
aware. I will support you openly, you and your family are in my prayers
daily. If you could find a way, I would be elated if you could seize
George Soros' assets and either detain him in guantanamo or deport him back
to hungary, Just an Idea. If not, ok, but we'll have to keep a sharp eye
on that one.
Oh, and if you've ever got a moment, look at my blog.
http://vocalpatriot.blogspot.com/ thank you.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
The Gloves Are Off Now!!
So the house and senate Finally get around to passing the war funding bill. how long was it 80 days? You'd think they were passing a kidney stone. Funny thing, they passed a bill they know will not get past the President and that they haven't the votes to override. Sounds a lot like the "non-binding" resolution from not so long ago. I guess I shouldn't expect much. This congress needs dentures! The liberal faction can't seem to grasp some very simple concepts. For example: finish what you start, or how about: These extremist want us dead, as in really dead! You can't reason with them.
The puzzling part is that the dems don't get it that the first people that these radicals would shoot en-masse would be the liberals, the very people that would allow them to gain the power they seek. Well this is just not going down too well with me. I wrote my congressmen (or is it congresswimps) in case anyone is out there this is what I wrote...
Now you've done it! None of you are worth the skin that covers your sorry back sides.
Your seditious, socialist, disregard for the actual well being of the soldiers and indeed humanity in general needs to cost you your congressional seats. I feel that would be mild consequence. Jail time seems more fitting as I believe you've got sinister intent. Are you so bogged down in the semantics of policy that you just do not see what it is you are voting for? Advertisement of timetables are exactly what the enemy is hoping for. Even if it causes the iraqi government to scramble to get a grip on the situation, it will not succeed because the insurgents will simply wait for us to be gone and then they will take over. Do you really think iran will allow a democratic iraq stand so soon? Of course you do, you fools. You are an absolute embarrassment to this country, which I could bear if not for the fact that you're so dangerous. All of you dems are. Do you remember the term democrat means "people rule"? no matter to you, eh? George Soros is your god now, huh? I think you all should resign and take Ried and Pelosi with you. You cowards! Your mutinous actions of voting for the war and then taking all the steps necessary to hinder the execution of that order to the military is PROOF positive that you do not care whether our boys live or die over there. All for your own petty wants, your lying "party of the working class". For that there is NO EXCUSE! no forgiveness can in good conscience be afforded you. You have NOT made a friend in me. I will not allow you to turn this great country into your personal communist experiment. You wouldn't know civil rights if they bit you on the ankle. I will do everything legal and moral in my powers to have you removed from office you spineless jellyfish. You just may be the saddest excuse for a group of alleged "leaders" that may have ever existed. noone in their right mind would vote for a war then turn tail and run unless the intention was to lose in the first place. Is that what you dems are about? be honest, for once.
The puzzling part is that the dems don't get it that the first people that these radicals would shoot en-masse would be the liberals, the very people that would allow them to gain the power they seek. Well this is just not going down too well with me. I wrote my congressmen (or is it congresswimps) in case anyone is out there this is what I wrote...
Now you've done it! None of you are worth the skin that covers your sorry back sides.
Your seditious, socialist, disregard for the actual well being of the soldiers and indeed humanity in general needs to cost you your congressional seats. I feel that would be mild consequence. Jail time seems more fitting as I believe you've got sinister intent. Are you so bogged down in the semantics of policy that you just do not see what it is you are voting for? Advertisement of timetables are exactly what the enemy is hoping for. Even if it causes the iraqi government to scramble to get a grip on the situation, it will not succeed because the insurgents will simply wait for us to be gone and then they will take over. Do you really think iran will allow a democratic iraq stand so soon? Of course you do, you fools. You are an absolute embarrassment to this country, which I could bear if not for the fact that you're so dangerous. All of you dems are. Do you remember the term democrat means "people rule"? no matter to you, eh? George Soros is your god now, huh? I think you all should resign and take Ried and Pelosi with you. You cowards! Your mutinous actions of voting for the war and then taking all the steps necessary to hinder the execution of that order to the military is PROOF positive that you do not care whether our boys live or die over there. All for your own petty wants, your lying "party of the working class". For that there is NO EXCUSE! no forgiveness can in good conscience be afforded you. You have NOT made a friend in me. I will not allow you to turn this great country into your personal communist experiment. You wouldn't know civil rights if they bit you on the ankle. I will do everything legal and moral in my powers to have you removed from office you spineless jellyfish. You just may be the saddest excuse for a group of alleged "leaders" that may have ever existed. noone in their right mind would vote for a war then turn tail and run unless the intention was to lose in the first place. Is that what you dems are about? be honest, for once.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Kucinich, D-Ohio
Dennis Kucinich, democrat
I just found your website. I can't bear to view it for too long at any time. Due to the lies contained therein that are blatant and plain. Do you really in your heart of hearts think that al-qaeda will disolve if we retreat as we did in Vietnam? Do you think this will just blow over the way it did then? Do you think the dems (A.K.A. socialists) will rule for long if they succeed in doing the tuck-tail run and usurp the executive powers for the liberals in the legislative branch to wield? Your reach for communism will not be recieved well. Are you so foolish as to think that the muslim extremists wouldn't cut your head off on camera if they had the chance? I call for your resignation! You may include those of your comrades as well. Articles of impeachment need to be introduced, I feel you are a traitor and your acts of sedition should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Sedition, willful division of the government for the purpose securing control over that government. All this in a time of war. You should at least have the decency to hang your head in shame! Ah, but that's too much to ask, isn't it?
I just found your website. I can't bear to view it for too long at any time. Due to the lies contained therein that are blatant and plain. Do you really in your heart of hearts think that al-qaeda will disolve if we retreat as we did in Vietnam? Do you think this will just blow over the way it did then? Do you think the dems (A.K.A. socialists) will rule for long if they succeed in doing the tuck-tail run and usurp the executive powers for the liberals in the legislative branch to wield? Your reach for communism will not be recieved well. Are you so foolish as to think that the muslim extremists wouldn't cut your head off on camera if they had the chance? I call for your resignation! You may include those of your comrades as well. Articles of impeachment need to be introduced, I feel you are a traitor and your acts of sedition should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Sedition, willful division of the government for the purpose securing control over that government. All this in a time of war. You should at least have the decency to hang your head in shame! Ah, but that's too much to ask, isn't it?
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Proper Process, Presidents Decision, Get it Right!
In response to an article I read which was written by Susan Estrich:
The worst thing about the Gonzales witch hunt, is that it is indirectly George Soros who is grilling the man for a crime that was not committed. Remember the president's got the power to fire them?
So then, having done so a scandal is created? Ludicrous is the word that comes to mind.
Was he really "happy to admit" something? Funny I didn't get that from any of this.
"A totally flawed and misguided process"? By who's assesment? It was up to the president, he gave the word, no need for explanations. Of course he'd do it again...it was his job.
I love this, "unlike the other appointees, serving the president was not his only job." what? they had no other jobs? What were they appointed for? They weren't there simply to be whipping boys for the president. They apparently did not accomplish what the president needed done. I'd fire them too. You said "loyalty means staying with your team, even if your leader is wrong" I most heartily and totally disagree and feel strongly that this is a lie on your part. But staying even when your leader is percieved to be wrong is certainly noble. However you, no doubt unwittingly,do make a strong point regarding personal responsiblity. It is incumbant upon each of us to make ourselves aware of the facts and to act according to our own conscience. Could it be that which the left is accusing Gonzales? yeah, probably. Oh, the essence of politics is to create and enforce policy for the good of the nation, did you forget that too? C'mon Sue, just admit it to yourself, you are buying into the liberal mindset that all things conservative must go! Be honest, you know conservatives don't really think that way. You must understand that Gonzales is middle managment and as such should the boss say "fire that new guy" it gets done without further cause. Perfectly legitimate. So having once again exposed that which is blatantly obvious, it's strongly evident that this "seeking and deliberate harrassment" is simply designed to usurp executive powers for the legislative left to wield. Don't forget the danger of enabling this kind of political treachery. This is the same process used by totalitarians across the globe from time immemorial.
The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
All this while George Soros sits behind stage, denying complicity. He controls the value of the dollar, the british pound, the euro, the ruble. His express extremist liberal views are coming to fruition.
He's not american born and his are malicious intents. What would that make him?
Listen to him, watch him, record his denials. Yet the world economy hangs on his spoken words.
You want a happy fluffy world? He will sell you one...you get what you pay for.
But remember, All Sales are Final.
The worst thing about the Gonzales witch hunt, is that it is indirectly George Soros who is grilling the man for a crime that was not committed. Remember the president's got the power to fire them?
So then, having done so a scandal is created? Ludicrous is the word that comes to mind.
Was he really "happy to admit" something? Funny I didn't get that from any of this.
"A totally flawed and misguided process"? By who's assesment? It was up to the president, he gave the word, no need for explanations. Of course he'd do it again...it was his job.
I love this, "unlike the other appointees, serving the president was not his only job." what? they had no other jobs? What were they appointed for? They weren't there simply to be whipping boys for the president. They apparently did not accomplish what the president needed done. I'd fire them too. You said "loyalty means staying with your team, even if your leader is wrong" I most heartily and totally disagree and feel strongly that this is a lie on your part. But staying even when your leader is percieved to be wrong is certainly noble. However you, no doubt unwittingly,do make a strong point regarding personal responsiblity. It is incumbant upon each of us to make ourselves aware of the facts and to act according to our own conscience. Could it be that which the left is accusing Gonzales? yeah, probably. Oh, the essence of politics is to create and enforce policy for the good of the nation, did you forget that too? C'mon Sue, just admit it to yourself, you are buying into the liberal mindset that all things conservative must go! Be honest, you know conservatives don't really think that way. You must understand that Gonzales is middle managment and as such should the boss say "fire that new guy" it gets done without further cause. Perfectly legitimate. So having once again exposed that which is blatantly obvious, it's strongly evident that this "seeking and deliberate harrassment" is simply designed to usurp executive powers for the legislative left to wield. Don't forget the danger of enabling this kind of political treachery. This is the same process used by totalitarians across the globe from time immemorial.
The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
All this while George Soros sits behind stage, denying complicity. He controls the value of the dollar, the british pound, the euro, the ruble. His express extremist liberal views are coming to fruition.
He's not american born and his are malicious intents. What would that make him?
Listen to him, watch him, record his denials. Yet the world economy hangs on his spoken words.
You want a happy fluffy world? He will sell you one...you get what you pay for.
But remember, All Sales are Final.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Infallible Sigh-ence
Are the proclamations made by scientists regarding historical evidence valid, accurate accounts of the past? Or are they bad science, using assumptions without weight given to all the empirical evidence relating to facts surrounding the given study which may refute the ultimate aim of that study?
In other words, are scientists only finding the facts they want or are they being truly objective?
Case in point; on a recent fact search I found a website which listed, amongst other things, a short group of "fact" points designed to demonstrate "how we know about past climate."
The first point said:
> "the geological record of carved mountain valleys, scratched bedrock, glacial debris and moraines gives evidence of the past several million years."
I thought this fairly accurate citing the claim that this was merely evidence rather than proven fact. (egos notwithstanding)
Point two:
>Recently, cores have been removed from the ice at Vostok station in antarctica. The longest cores about 2000 meters, sampling layers of ice deposited as early as 160,000 years ago. The ice trapped bubbles of air when it froze.
The ratio of oxygen isotopes in this air indicates the average air temperature at the time the bubble was trapped in the ice. The bubbles also trap atmospheric greenhouse gases that can be measured.
OK! Well, first, not to bash those with degrees too harshly:
I'll assume the core sample librarians have taken into account the Idea that some of those layers may have been made liquid and refrozen over the past 1600 centuries. But did they remember that even frozen ice is still fluid? The importance of that tidbit of knowledge becomes evident over the time span indicated because air bubbles, being much less dense than the ice will continually exert upward pressure and some gases may escape the bonds easier than others. Has this been fully explored?
The Idea that Ice works better than tupperware over the span of thousands of years is, frankly, hard to swallow.
So, the leap from air bubble content to average air temp seems less sure.
By the way, to help with the average air temp question..at the time the air bubbles became trapped, the air temperature was probably at or below 32°F. Just let me say, I didn't need the ratio of oxygen isotopes to arrive at that conclusion.
The point here of course, is that we can't say we "know" so readily. we need to adhere more closely to the scientific method. This has been a thorn in the side of the scientific community for as far back as we care to look.
In defense of the folks that assembled that webpage, there were many more points that all stated the case eloquently and the page as a whole was based in fact.
My point was to demonstrate how easily the facts can be manipulated with a few poorly stated claims.
Now we need to take another look at Al Gores entertainment endeavour in which the real truth was clearly too inconvenient for his cause.
Perhaps there exists a theory as to what his cause could be if not his genuine concern for gods green earth. Judging by his personal consumption tendency concern is not one of Al's strengths.
In other words, are scientists only finding the facts they want or are they being truly objective?
Case in point; on a recent fact search I found a website which listed, amongst other things, a short group of "fact" points designed to demonstrate "how we know about past climate."
The first point said:
> "the geological record of carved mountain valleys, scratched bedrock, glacial debris and moraines gives evidence of the past several million years."
I thought this fairly accurate citing the claim that this was merely evidence rather than proven fact. (egos notwithstanding)
Point two:
>Recently, cores have been removed from the ice at Vostok station in antarctica. The longest cores about 2000 meters, sampling layers of ice deposited as early as 160,000 years ago. The ice trapped bubbles of air when it froze.
The ratio of oxygen isotopes in this air indicates the average air temperature at the time the bubble was trapped in the ice. The bubbles also trap atmospheric greenhouse gases that can be measured.
OK! Well, first, not to bash those with degrees too harshly:
I'll assume the core sample librarians have taken into account the Idea that some of those layers may have been made liquid and refrozen over the past 1600 centuries. But did they remember that even frozen ice is still fluid? The importance of that tidbit of knowledge becomes evident over the time span indicated because air bubbles, being much less dense than the ice will continually exert upward pressure and some gases may escape the bonds easier than others. Has this been fully explored?
The Idea that Ice works better than tupperware over the span of thousands of years is, frankly, hard to swallow.
So, the leap from air bubble content to average air temp seems less sure.
By the way, to help with the average air temp question..at the time the air bubbles became trapped, the air temperature was probably at or below 32°F. Just let me say, I didn't need the ratio of oxygen isotopes to arrive at that conclusion.
The point here of course, is that we can't say we "know" so readily. we need to adhere more closely to the scientific method. This has been a thorn in the side of the scientific community for as far back as we care to look.
In defense of the folks that assembled that webpage, there were many more points that all stated the case eloquently and the page as a whole was based in fact.
My point was to demonstrate how easily the facts can be manipulated with a few poorly stated claims.
Now we need to take another look at Al Gores entertainment endeavour in which the real truth was clearly too inconvenient for his cause.
Perhaps there exists a theory as to what his cause could be if not his genuine concern for gods green earth. Judging by his personal consumption tendency concern is not one of Al's strengths.
Monday, April 9, 2007
The Senator doesn't get it!
In response to the inane chatter in a letter from the junior senator from massachusetts to me regarding the Iraq war:
Mr. Kerry, Apparently you didn't read my letter. I'm not surprised. You haven't been listening too closely to your constituents either. It's ok though, I understand fully. You are not up to the task you've been required to perform. Sound similar to your military record?
First off, the views I have are shared by just about everyone I have talked to on the subject. To me that is evidence that not only are you not listening, but that you are actively ignoring the people. I know you made lots of money by marrying two rich widows, real manly of you, but that money alone does not give you carte blanc to legislate your own views or those of the few rich contributors you've dug from the island muck. That would be an oligarchy. It represents a betrayal of trust it's irresponsible and morally wrong.
As to the "escalation" I agree with one small point. Escalation by itself will simply be a bigger nothing. As was implied in my previous letter we need to throw all we have into this at once! In the manner of Golda Mier. Let me help you here..we need to produce squads to hunt and kill our enemies. 20,000 troops is more than enough to flood the area to watch, film, catalogue targets, track and hunt. This done in large numbers will not take long, will be effective in reducing the violence in the cities so the iraqi government can carry on.
The bulk of the military can continue guarding and building relations with the people.
The enemy would get the picture.
President Reagan had no problem with the concept of peace through strength, why do you? Or is it that you really don't give a damn about our sons and daughters over there?
The idea is basically to win this thing BEFORE we bring the troops home, just a matter of priority. Hoping to have a dialogue with a government that feels they were abandoned and a horde of idealogues bent on the destruction of all things american(even if you share that definition), this in an atmosphere of impending anarchy caused by the major violent coup that would transcend on that country like smallpox did in europe is irational and frankly insane. I say insane because we've done this before in vietnam. Why should we expect a different result this time?
Don't forget, Sir, that these people have not been able to take charge of their country for over thirty years(except for the privaliged few) and untill they get it we need to be present. This is not only a matter of kindness for the iraqis but of vital import to the precedents we set in the world. We have not done a good job defending our own soveriegnty and so all the marxist, socialist and other totalitarian influences in the world are getting bold. Do you wish to bend prostrate facing east to save your own skin? Don't laugh, you know as well as I do this is the aim of these extremists. This is how they have propagated their agenda to date. There is no reason to believe they will change their methods noweven if you pretend to agree with them. We both know that compliance would be high on your agenda should these extremists gain control of this country. The sad part about that is the fact that all those brave soldiers currently abroad are risking life and limb to defend your right to speak this cowardly trash you do while you vote to limit their ability to do just that. That is Neville Chamberlain style insanity.
Your spineless, selfserving, socialist agenda is not welcome and sure to bring the same kind of unrest found around the world to our homes. Because of this I pledge to do all I can legally and morally do to have you and others like you replaced by men and women of strong character and core values that reflect the american way.
Mr. Kerry, Apparently you didn't read my letter. I'm not surprised. You haven't been listening too closely to your constituents either. It's ok though, I understand fully. You are not up to the task you've been required to perform. Sound similar to your military record?
First off, the views I have are shared by just about everyone I have talked to on the subject. To me that is evidence that not only are you not listening, but that you are actively ignoring the people. I know you made lots of money by marrying two rich widows, real manly of you, but that money alone does not give you carte blanc to legislate your own views or those of the few rich contributors you've dug from the island muck. That would be an oligarchy. It represents a betrayal of trust it's irresponsible and morally wrong.
As to the "escalation" I agree with one small point. Escalation by itself will simply be a bigger nothing. As was implied in my previous letter we need to throw all we have into this at once! In the manner of Golda Mier. Let me help you here..we need to produce squads to hunt and kill our enemies. 20,000 troops is more than enough to flood the area to watch, film, catalogue targets, track and hunt. This done in large numbers will not take long, will be effective in reducing the violence in the cities so the iraqi government can carry on.
The bulk of the military can continue guarding and building relations with the people.
The enemy would get the picture.
President Reagan had no problem with the concept of peace through strength, why do you? Or is it that you really don't give a damn about our sons and daughters over there?
The idea is basically to win this thing BEFORE we bring the troops home, just a matter of priority. Hoping to have a dialogue with a government that feels they were abandoned and a horde of idealogues bent on the destruction of all things american(even if you share that definition), this in an atmosphere of impending anarchy caused by the major violent coup that would transcend on that country like smallpox did in europe is irational and frankly insane. I say insane because we've done this before in vietnam. Why should we expect a different result this time?
Don't forget, Sir, that these people have not been able to take charge of their country for over thirty years(except for the privaliged few) and untill they get it we need to be present. This is not only a matter of kindness for the iraqis but of vital import to the precedents we set in the world. We have not done a good job defending our own soveriegnty and so all the marxist, socialist and other totalitarian influences in the world are getting bold. Do you wish to bend prostrate facing east to save your own skin? Don't laugh, you know as well as I do this is the aim of these extremists. This is how they have propagated their agenda to date. There is no reason to believe they will change their methods noweven if you pretend to agree with them. We both know that compliance would be high on your agenda should these extremists gain control of this country. The sad part about that is the fact that all those brave soldiers currently abroad are risking life and limb to defend your right to speak this cowardly trash you do while you vote to limit their ability to do just that. That is Neville Chamberlain style insanity.
Your spineless, selfserving, socialist agenda is not welcome and sure to bring the same kind of unrest found around the world to our homes. Because of this I pledge to do all I can legally and morally do to have you and others like you replaced by men and women of strong character and core values that reflect the american way.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Letter sent to Sen. kennedy, Sen. Kerry, Rep. Delahunt
Dear Sirs, If you truly have concerns regarding the welfare of our sons and daughters in combat abroad, (I have my doubts that you do) then to push all we have against this to end it now is the answer. By that I mean that we need to fight with every ounce of our collective being. This strategy of political division in which you are engaging is irresponsible and quite frankly seditious. We can not afford to turn and retreat as we did in Vietnam nor to fight this war in this divided state. The urgency of my intent cannot satisfactorily be expressed with written words here, so respectfully I must add that If we do not turn congress around on this issue, I will campaign to have you all removed from the valued offices you occupy by any legal and moral means available to me. You do not truly represent the state nor its inhabitants if you continue to use this and other vital concerns of the people to further your own careers which some would claim is a criminal act. Although it may be tough to carry a charge of treason, I feel this charge would be justified. Due to the fact that your antics in congress of financial addons, overt attacks on the republican party and endless, pointless investigations aimed at usurping executive powers have prolonged this conflict you have thus endangered countless lives. Those of our military and those of innocents abroad. This is not the conduct of the progenitors of humanitarianism. This is the conduct of greedy elitists vying for socialist governance. We need better than this. I for one, believe that you think you know better than the people. That arrogance, may be the downfall of the democrat party. Since a one party system won't work either, my suggestion would be to act cautiously and with restraint. Further, It is not the place of congress to conduct the tasks so ordered by congress indeed as overwhelmingly as you have. To this I say; MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS AND LET THE PRESIDENT MIND HIS!!!
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Yet another DNC letter, this one asking me to write back with reasons to bring home the troops from Iraq for a new lie ad. I so obliged:
Our men and women in uniform are being slaughtered at an unbelieable rate!
PLEASE!! Listen to me!!! Bring them home now. Get all of our helicopters over there and evacuate them the way we retreated in Vietnam. What were we thinking by sending our woefully trained troops over to that burning hell of a country inhabited by giant tunneling superbeings with unbeatable weapons! Our babies in the sand should never have been allowed to go that far from home.
Oh, I beseech you, great leaders we need them here to be gas station attendants due to to the fact that the wonderful model of a world leader (as Barbara walters implies) Hugo Chavez is so magnanimously offering his salvation of home heating oil to the huddled masses beneath your feet.
No consideration need be given to the hordes of radical Islamists anyway because the world will be burned to a crisp by Al Gores global warming all too soon..I would think we need to have them home to pass away in peace with us.
We are a defeated people and we should be spending time finding ways to look fashionable with our tails tucked between our legs.
Our men and women in uniform are being slaughtered at an unbelieable rate!
PLEASE!! Listen to me!!! Bring them home now. Get all of our helicopters over there and evacuate them the way we retreated in Vietnam. What were we thinking by sending our woefully trained troops over to that burning hell of a country inhabited by giant tunneling superbeings with unbeatable weapons! Our babies in the sand should never have been allowed to go that far from home.
Oh, I beseech you, great leaders we need them here to be gas station attendants due to to the fact that the wonderful model of a world leader (as Barbara walters implies) Hugo Chavez is so magnanimously offering his salvation of home heating oil to the huddled masses beneath your feet.
No consideration need be given to the hordes of radical Islamists anyway because the world will be burned to a crisp by Al Gores global warming all too soon..I would think we need to have them home to pass away in peace with us.
We are a defeated people and we should be spending time finding ways to look fashionable with our tails tucked between our legs.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Iranian folly and libs nose of brown
In response to a recent discussion regarding the kidnapping of the 15 British sailors and marines I wrote on "blogsforbush.com":
Face it folks, this is just another mideast ploy to vie for the attention of their peers.."see? I poked a stick at the west too! See? I'm a big boy too!!"
They are testing the waters. This had nothing to do with espionage or military action.
With the libs so divisive and overtly and aggressively attacking all things conservative in their pathetic power struggle, what have the Iranians got to lose?
Of course, this all comes at a price. The question is; do the libs and Iranians really want to pay?
We'll find that out as soon as they realize just how steep the price is. As for us conservatives, we have no choice. Our understanding is painful enough to bear, but if we leave the world to the fruitcakes we'll be only praying to whomever they allow us.
I wonder why the libs don't understand that all the special interest tolerance that they love so much won't be adhered to by our common enemies.
Oh, and let's not forget that the unrest in the middle east has gone on for a lot longer than the republican party's existance, so to say it is due to our foreign policy is ludicrous at best..an outright lie otherwise.
Face it folks, this is just another mideast ploy to vie for the attention of their peers.."see? I poked a stick at the west too! See? I'm a big boy too!!"
They are testing the waters. This had nothing to do with espionage or military action.
With the libs so divisive and overtly and aggressively attacking all things conservative in their pathetic power struggle, what have the Iranians got to lose?
Of course, this all comes at a price. The question is; do the libs and Iranians really want to pay?
We'll find that out as soon as they realize just how steep the price is. As for us conservatives, we have no choice. Our understanding is painful enough to bear, but if we leave the world to the fruitcakes we'll be only praying to whomever they allow us.
I wonder why the libs don't understand that all the special interest tolerance that they love so much won't be adhered to by our common enemies.
Oh, and let's not forget that the unrest in the middle east has gone on for a lot longer than the republican party's existance, so to say it is due to our foreign policy is ludicrous at best..an outright lie otherwise.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
subversive liberalism
Honesty in politics is, at once, rare and absolutely vital to the proper execution of political tasks or those of diplomatic or military functions.
However, with those uninitiated within the mass population of our country tending to absorb slogans and persistantly repeated untruths as if they were facts coupled with the self serving nature of a governing party that understands just how to tell an untruth in such a way as to cloud the intent, we have the recipe for communism.
For example, I recieved an e-mail from the D.N.C. website (again), run by the colorful Tom McMahon. This particular letter was in the name of Gov. Howard Dean III and began with the line:
"This could be George Bush's Watergate."
It was in reference to the eight recently fired U.S. Attorneys. You know, some of the attorneys that served at the pleasure of the president.
Now, this is a typical kind of beginning for a democrat to use whose aim is to demonstrate a problem that the people couldn't possibly cope with unaided. Since the democrats see themselves as the only party equipped to solve such things, then the people would find themselves with new policies imposed by big brother. (no the ad was not far from the mark, and Mr. Obama is, in my opinion, included in that group).
It does not matter to the dems that it was perfectly within the presidents powers to fire any and all of the U.S. Attorneys for any and all reasons including those political ones the dems are citing as inappropriate.
It only matters that the socialistic party spreading this sort of propagana can use it to incorrectly imply an improper use of power on the presidents part.
Repitition makes it true to the masses who are too busy to care enough for researching the facts, But This is no less a lie.
Further, I submit that this and many other acts by members of congress, especially those on the left, represent nothing short of sedition.
I also believe the legislative branch is again attempting to actively adjust policy in "real time", making laws in a continuously changing manner for the purpose of circumventing the executive role against the presidents will. I wonder if This could be cited in treason hearings as it is occurring against the president and the nation as a whole during a time of war involving cowardice in an overt effort to retreat in the face of the fact that casualties are on the order of 1/16th those of the vietnam conflict and easily 1/100th those of WWII, with a net effect of giving aid and comfort to the enemy, increasing friendly casualties and prolonging the conflict in the process.
However, with those uninitiated within the mass population of our country tending to absorb slogans and persistantly repeated untruths as if they were facts coupled with the self serving nature of a governing party that understands just how to tell an untruth in such a way as to cloud the intent, we have the recipe for communism.
For example, I recieved an e-mail from the D.N.C. website (again), run by the colorful Tom McMahon. This particular letter was in the name of Gov. Howard Dean III and began with the line:
"This could be George Bush's Watergate."
It was in reference to the eight recently fired U.S. Attorneys. You know, some of the attorneys that served at the pleasure of the president.
Now, this is a typical kind of beginning for a democrat to use whose aim is to demonstrate a problem that the people couldn't possibly cope with unaided. Since the democrats see themselves as the only party equipped to solve such things, then the people would find themselves with new policies imposed by big brother. (no the ad was not far from the mark, and Mr. Obama is, in my opinion, included in that group).
It does not matter to the dems that it was perfectly within the presidents powers to fire any and all of the U.S. Attorneys for any and all reasons including those political ones the dems are citing as inappropriate.
It only matters that the socialistic party spreading this sort of propagana can use it to incorrectly imply an improper use of power on the presidents part.
Repitition makes it true to the masses who are too busy to care enough for researching the facts, But This is no less a lie.
Further, I submit that this and many other acts by members of congress, especially those on the left, represent nothing short of sedition.
I also believe the legislative branch is again attempting to actively adjust policy in "real time", making laws in a continuously changing manner for the purpose of circumventing the executive role against the presidents will. I wonder if This could be cited in treason hearings as it is occurring against the president and the nation as a whole during a time of war involving cowardice in an overt effort to retreat in the face of the fact that casualties are on the order of 1/16th those of the vietnam conflict and easily 1/100th those of WWII, with a net effect of giving aid and comfort to the enemy, increasing friendly casualties and prolonging the conflict in the process.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Bark Back and Bite
Recently, I received an interesting letter from one Tom McMahon, the beloved executive director of the DNC. I'm convinced that this man hasn't got an honest bone in his body. His consistent leaning on the word "slander" is strong evidence to this conclusion. Slander, being the harsh word that deserves the punitive measures it brings, I would think a responsible member of a truly free society would use it very carefully and sparingly. Apparently, those members of the DNC do not foster the same sentiment. Perhaps their Idea of how society should work invites closer scrutiny? Well, Here I am. Below is a copy of the letter in question:
Dear David,
According to House Minority Leader John Boehner, I'm a "terrorist sympathizer," and you probably are too.
Just days ago on the floor of the House of Representatives, the Republican leader claimed that "al Qaeda and terrorist sympathizers around the world are trying to divide us here at home. Over the next few days, we have an opportunity to show our enemies that we will not take the bait."
This isn't the first time Republicans have linked Democrats with terrorists at the time of an important vote. In fact, it's become the norm.
In October 2004, then-Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert claimed that al Qaeda "would like to influence this election" and would be more comfortable if John Kerry were elected.
This past August, Vice President Cheney claimed that anti-war voters in Connecticut were encouraging "al Qaeda types" to "break the will of the American people in terms of our ability to stay the fight and complete the task."
And just days before our landslide victory in the November midterm elections, President Bush claimed that "the Democrat[ic] approach in Iraq comes down to this: The terrorists win and America loses."
Put a stop to the slander. Help the Democrats pass the House Iraq resolution, and help wavering Republicans stand up to this rhetoric:
The "bait" that Boehner refers to is the House Democrats' war resolution that Governor Dean emailed you about on Tuesday -- a vote of no-confidence in the president's plan to escalate the war in Iraq.
You see, with 70% of the public opposing escalation and potentially 60 Republicans crossing party lines, the Republican leadership is resorting to desperate measures to try to fool the American people and stop this damning vote.
Support the Iraq resolution -- and tell Boehner that we aren't buying his publicity stunts:
The Republicans know the mess they're in. In a desperate letter to their Republican colleagues, Congress members John Shadegg and Peter Hoekstra wrote:
"The debate should not be about the surge or its details. This debate should not even be about the Iraq war to date, mistakes that have been made, or whether we can, or cannot, win militarily. If we let Democrats force us into a debate on the surge or the current situation in Iraq, we lose."
Why are Republicans scared of a debate on America's top issue? And why can't they stand up to the Democrats on the current situation in Iraq?
Because it wasn't the Democratic Party that led us into a war on false pretenses. Democrats didn't alienate our global allies by ignoring diplomatic efforts to find a peaceful resolution. Democrats didn't reject the advice of our military leaders, who recommended we change the course. And Democrats didn't decide to put more of our troops in harm/s way to interfere in a bloody civil war with no end in sight.
The Democrats didn't start this war, but we're working to end it -- and the House resolution is an important first step to changing the course and bringing our brave men and women home.
Support the Iraq resolution today:
Don't let John Boehner imply that we are terrorist sympathizers. Don't let the Republican leadership continue these publicity stunts.
While they try, we'll be busy fighting back and governing.
Tom McMahon
My response was one of strong irritation. Although I didn't address all the points of this rhetorical trash, I think I captured the passion it wrought from me with it's slanted fabrications thus:
Well, since you seem to be on the side of dividing this great nation, as had most democrats in history, then I feel compelled to logically agree with the minority leader.
My suggestion to the democrat party is:
read Sun Tzu, try to understand the import to war and why it is VITAL that we pull together and execute this one as if we intend to complete the task that you dems had a part in starting. Oh yes, I'm not the fool you thought you were writing to.
Truth is not slander
Your foolish "resolution" has no resolve in that it does not make any recommendation. It only whines. The republicans aren't afraid to debate, you morons are. You have no moral grounds on which to accuse anyone of using false pretenses, either. Of course You dems didn't alienate your global allies (that would be Bin Laden?), but neither did the Spanish.
Tom McMahon, I feel confident that you wouldn't have a clue how to govern, how to end this war "peacefully" or that you are advocating the rejection of advice from military leaders.
Your rhetoric infuriates me, these killers will only listen to you long enough to be sure that we are weak. Then they will do their worst. Yes, we know you demanded a change of course.
Let's not forget your "change of course" was to bring the troops home ASAP.
So, when the "slander" fits; wear it, I can see you as a terrorist sympathizer, but sir, be absolutely doubtless..that I am not.
David V.
At this point I invite all people of good conscience to pay close attention to the erosion of civil liberties the dems continue to cause. Speak out LOUD AND CLEAR!! Do not let the insanity from the left go unhindered to overrun our god given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Complacency has time and again proven to be a useful tool to tyrants.
Dear David,
According to House Minority Leader John Boehner, I'm a "terrorist sympathizer," and you probably are too.
Just days ago on the floor of the House of Representatives, the Republican leader claimed that "al Qaeda and terrorist sympathizers around the world are trying to divide us here at home. Over the next few days, we have an opportunity to show our enemies that we will not take the bait."
This isn't the first time Republicans have linked Democrats with terrorists at the time of an important vote. In fact, it's become the norm.
In October 2004, then-Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert claimed that al Qaeda "would like to influence this election" and would be more comfortable if John Kerry were elected.
This past August, Vice President Cheney claimed that anti-war voters in Connecticut were encouraging "al Qaeda types" to "break the will of the American people in terms of our ability to stay the fight and complete the task."
And just days before our landslide victory in the November midterm elections, President Bush claimed that "the Democrat[ic] approach in Iraq comes down to this: The terrorists win and America loses."
Put a stop to the slander. Help the Democrats pass the House Iraq resolution, and help wavering Republicans stand up to this rhetoric:
The "bait" that Boehner refers to is the House Democrats' war resolution that Governor Dean emailed you about on Tuesday -- a vote of no-confidence in the president's plan to escalate the war in Iraq.
You see, with 70% of the public opposing escalation and potentially 60 Republicans crossing party lines, the Republican leadership is resorting to desperate measures to try to fool the American people and stop this damning vote.
Support the Iraq resolution -- and tell Boehner that we aren't buying his publicity stunts:
The Republicans know the mess they're in. In a desperate letter to their Republican colleagues, Congress members John Shadegg and Peter Hoekstra wrote:
"The debate should not be about the surge or its details. This debate should not even be about the Iraq war to date, mistakes that have been made, or whether we can, or cannot, win militarily. If we let Democrats force us into a debate on the surge or the current situation in Iraq, we lose."
Why are Republicans scared of a debate on America's top issue? And why can't they stand up to the Democrats on the current situation in Iraq?
Because it wasn't the Democratic Party that led us into a war on false pretenses. Democrats didn't alienate our global allies by ignoring diplomatic efforts to find a peaceful resolution. Democrats didn't reject the advice of our military leaders, who recommended we change the course. And Democrats didn't decide to put more of our troops in harm/s way to interfere in a bloody civil war with no end in sight.
The Democrats didn't start this war, but we're working to end it -- and the House resolution is an important first step to changing the course and bringing our brave men and women home.
Support the Iraq resolution today:
Don't let John Boehner imply that we are terrorist sympathizers. Don't let the Republican leadership continue these publicity stunts.
While they try, we'll be busy fighting back and governing.
Tom McMahon
My response was one of strong irritation. Although I didn't address all the points of this rhetorical trash, I think I captured the passion it wrought from me with it's slanted fabrications thus:
Well, since you seem to be on the side of dividing this great nation, as had most democrats in history, then I feel compelled to logically agree with the minority leader.
My suggestion to the democrat party is:
read Sun Tzu, try to understand the import to war and why it is VITAL that we pull together and execute this one as if we intend to complete the task that you dems had a part in starting. Oh yes, I'm not the fool you thought you were writing to.
Truth is not slander
Your foolish "resolution" has no resolve in that it does not make any recommendation. It only whines. The republicans aren't afraid to debate, you morons are. You have no moral grounds on which to accuse anyone of using false pretenses, either. Of course You dems didn't alienate your global allies (that would be Bin Laden?), but neither did the Spanish.
Tom McMahon, I feel confident that you wouldn't have a clue how to govern, how to end this war "peacefully" or that you are advocating the rejection of advice from military leaders.
Your rhetoric infuriates me, these killers will only listen to you long enough to be sure that we are weak. Then they will do their worst. Yes, we know you demanded a change of course.
Let's not forget your "change of course" was to bring the troops home ASAP.
So, when the "slander" fits; wear it, I can see you as a terrorist sympathizer, but sir, be absolutely doubtless..that I am not.
David V.
At this point I invite all people of good conscience to pay close attention to the erosion of civil liberties the dems continue to cause. Speak out LOUD AND CLEAR!! Do not let the insanity from the left go unhindered to overrun our god given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Complacency has time and again proven to be a useful tool to tyrants.
republicans cave! jellyfish rule house
Steny Hoyer, D-Md. "today the congress of the united states said to the president: 'we need a new direction in iraq,'" HAH!! Of course right off the bat we have a lie. As far as I've always known, the term 'congress' refers to BOTH the house of reps AND the senate.
In addition to that, the loud voice is really saying "we are taking over the government!" and "we oppose all things republican"
I'm really steamed at the flacid spine the republican party is displaying here.
What really has me going is the smug, arrogant sureness that this resolution is going to really shake things up. They keep calling it a "bipartisan resolution" how can they say they support the troops and that they don't want to send reenforcements at the same time? I may as well make my new years resolution..I resolve to be dissatified with the political coup the dems are staging with such rapid progression, but keep voting them in because they keep calling me a smart voter for it! Well, I believe it will be vividly evident soon that the dems have their balance thrown forward and their foot over a steaming pile. at which time I will choke back a laugh.
In addition to that, the loud voice is really saying "we are taking over the government!" and "we oppose all things republican"
I'm really steamed at the flacid spine the republican party is displaying here.
What really has me going is the smug, arrogant sureness that this resolution is going to really shake things up. They keep calling it a "bipartisan resolution" how can they say they support the troops and that they don't want to send reenforcements at the same time? I may as well make my new years resolution..I resolve to be dissatified with the political coup the dems are staging with such rapid progression, but keep voting them in because they keep calling me a smart voter for it! Well, I believe it will be vividly evident soon that the dems have their balance thrown forward and their foot over a steaming pile. at which time I will choke back a laugh.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
"Democratic"? who are you talking to? Democratic is an adjective not a noun!! President Bush had it right. Besides, the fact that the implication of the democrat party as anything other than being run by facists and socialists is ludacrous. Please recind this foolishness and stop dividing this great country, the only country that is trying to restore order in the world. Chastising the president for bringing law to a lawless people is woefully unacceptable.
The democrat party should be supporting his efforts as well as thinking of better representation of their own ideals. Nancy Pelosi, in my humble opinion was a grave error as a choice for speaker.
I will have plenty more to say on this and will be sure to diseminate this to everyone I see.
The democrat party should be supporting his efforts as well as thinking of better representation of their own ideals. Nancy Pelosi, in my humble opinion was a grave error as a choice for speaker.
I will have plenty more to say on this and will be sure to diseminate this to everyone I see.
Monday, February 5, 2007
republicans block vote!
A "non binding resolution"??? what the heck does that mean? we already know they want bush out. no new news here!! c'mon dems, wake from your alcohol induced slumber. take the ic off your title and admit to yourselves that you aren't going to be happy until we are in a totally socialist state with you as leaders. you keep telling your lies with the confidence that comes with thinking that repitition will make them true.
shame the devil and admit that you didn't know about sadams 'wmd's any more than bush did. This is why you voted for the war in such large numbers and now that we are in this war you are afraid to do what is needed to conclude it successfully.
let me help you out here.
first: recognise where the problem is coming from, largely iran
second: decide what needs to be done about it using the military advisors that are actually involved in the war not some retirees on cnn. (or the polls you folks love so much).
third and most important..let the actual soldiers conduct the war without political meddling!!!
Of course I know this would mean that you'd have to think of someone else besides your own interests for far too long for my lowly words to be heeded, but i hope you do remember one thing..this american is speaking now and he didn't vote for any dem. It's your move.
shame the devil and admit that you didn't know about sadams 'wmd's any more than bush did. This is why you voted for the war in such large numbers and now that we are in this war you are afraid to do what is needed to conclude it successfully.
let me help you out here.
first: recognise where the problem is coming from, largely iran
second: decide what needs to be done about it using the military advisors that are actually involved in the war not some retirees on cnn. (or the polls you folks love so much).
third and most important..let the actual soldiers conduct the war without political meddling!!!
Of course I know this would mean that you'd have to think of someone else besides your own interests for far too long for my lowly words to be heeded, but i hope you do remember one thing..this american is speaking now and he didn't vote for any dem. It's your move.
Sunday, February 4, 2007
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